Fair to Middling

Len Ortzen. Strange Stories of UFOs. Arthur Barker. 1977

Len Ortzen 's other works, listed in this book, include Strange Mysteries of the Sea, Famous Arctic Adventures, Stories of Famous Survivals, and Your Guide to the Loire Valley, so we are obviously dealing here with a professional, who can turn out a competent job on almost anything. And by and large this is what we get, a competent job. Nothing particularly brilliant but nothing too bad either, straightforward accounts of a dozen or so UFO classics with an implied ETH slant. The bibliography includes Keyhoe, Menzel, Dutta (!), Shuttlewood and Trench. Vallée is represented only by his first two books, his later ' paraufological writings are ignored. So far so competent, but frankly, I cannot see who this book is aimed at. The ufologist will find nothing new, the casual browser would be more likely to go for a paperback than this not inconsiderably priced volume. Damning with faint praise? Maybe, but it seems the only line to take. Sorry, Len.
  • John Rimmer, from MUFOB New Series 8, Autumn 1977

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