Musgrave calls this small book a "progress report" on his research into Canadian CEIII cases. It comprises a catalogue of 90 Canadian cases, prefaced by chapters giving illustrations of eight types of occupant cases. Musgrave divides these as : Fly-By; Stopping for the view; Stroller; no UFO; Stroller; UFO Tourist; Pit-stop; Peeping Tom; Molester/Contact.
Unfortunately only one or two cases in each category (and often previously well-publicised ones at that) are given in detail, and the summaries are very sketchy. There is obviously material here for a much more detailed study, and it is to be hoped that a large commercial publisher will show interest in such a study.
Musgrave, without totally excluding the possibility of some sort of nuts and bolts explanation for a very small percentage of UFO cases, feels that there is little or no evidence from the occupant cases to support such a viewpoint. He rather sees them as evidence of experiences involving hallucination, dream and other altered states of consciousness. This is particularly true of cases in the last two of his categories.
However, he points out that there are puzzling features about some of these cases. For example in several of the 'bedroom visitation' cases, independent witnesses have seen a ball of light in the area at the time. In other cases hallucinatory experiences seem to occur within a specific spatial location. These features are also encountered in cases of apparitions and hauntings. Whether this suggests that central percipients can induce hallucinations in others during an altered state of consciousness (an idea discussed by Randles and Warrington in UFOs, a British Viewpoint), or whether some physical phenomenon exists which can trigger altered states of consciousness is left an open question. Musgrave also points out that abduction cases retrieved by hypnosis often mirror the phenomena of the hypnotic trance itself. – Peter Rogerson. Magonia 2, 1979/80
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