Keith Harary and Pamela Weintrab. Have an Out-of-the Body Experience in 30 Days: The Free Flight Program. Aquarian Press, 1990.
Most books on out-of-the-body experiences (PBEs) advise readers who wish to try it for themselves to lie on a bed (alone) and clear their minds of all worldly distractions. This one details a series of 30 exercises which seem to get progressively more worldly and physical. You will need a jacuzzi and also a 'partner', especially when you get to Day 21, 'Erotic Variations', which wi1l involve you in making the difficult choice between "chocolate sauce or warm orange marmalade or steak juices". If you don't already know what you are expected to do with these ingredients then you probably won't want to. Anyway you can skip some of the exercises, or adapt them to suit your tastes, especially if you are physically disabled. i.e. not having a jacuzzi or suitable 'partner.
- John Harney, from Magonia 37, October 1990.
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