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BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project, compiled by Geoffrey Falla, edited by Charles F Lockwood and Anthony Pace. BUFORA 1981

Most of this project consists of Geoffrey Falla 's vehicle interference catalogue of 420 items. This comprises good abstracts, and far fuller references, in the main, than Ted Peters' Trace catalogues published by CUFOS. Falla is to be congratulated on his efforts. It is a pity, however, that in some cases he appears to have access only to poor secondary sources, such as the works of Brad Steiger. The absence of references to Ballester-Olmos’s catalogue, also published by CUFOS, is especially puzzling. Nor does it appear that Falla had access to the Magonia catalogue, or to Michel’s ' Flyng Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery.

One wonders just what help BUFORA provlded to Falla. The editors are quite right to point out tha t. such catalogues should never be treated as anything more than reading lists. This is especially true of omnibus efforts such as lNTCAT. Just how rare the alleged EM (Electromagnetic) effect is when hunted down is illustrated by the fact that only two actual BUFORA case studies are presented. Both date from 1968. One was investigated ten years after the event (at the time BUFORA said they like to investigate cases within 24 hours) and the other did involve a UFO experience at all.

BUFORA also say they are going to produce case studies on two further incidents. One from 1967 is based on a reinvestigation which was conducted eight or nine years later and which elicits details which differ in significant ways from the original investigation, which BUFORA appears to have mislaid! The other, from 1976/7 is connected with a controversial contactee. It seems safe to assume there are no really probative EM cases in the UK. -- Peter Rogerson

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