I Met a Man Who Wasn't There

Paul Begg. Into Thin Air, People Who Disappeared. David and Charles, 1979.

In his study of alleged 'mysterious disappearances' Begg has done what few Fortean writers bother to do - go back to the original sources . The result is a thoroughly admirable piece of  'Forteana Corrigenda' which disposes of several great mysteries. It is especially pleasing to see the 'mystery of the missing Norfolks' laid to rest once and for all. The Bermuda Triangle takes a further bashing, as does the endlessly repeated saga of David Lang, alias Charles Ashmore , a.k.a. Oliver Larch or Thomas. It is not without significance that amongst the worst offenders in the spreading of false stories without checking are the writers of UFO books  
  • Peter Rogerson, from MUFOB New Series 15, Summer, 1979

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