Bad Astronomy

Philip Plait. Bad Astronomy: misconceptions and misuses revealed, from astrology to the moon landing 'hoax'. John Wiley and Sons, 2002.
In the first of series of books on 'bad science', astronomer Philip Plait examines a range of misconceptions about astronomy, including a range of pseudo-sciences from Velikovsky to UFOs.

Including the conspiracy theories about the moon landing and astrology. OK as far as it goes, but the chapters are too short and superficial to make a serious impact, The best one is probably the demolition of the moon landing hoax nonsense, and a short demolition of Young Age astronomy, the latest from the creationist fanatics across the Atlantic.

Much of the rest of the book is standard astronomy stuff, and is aimed I would imagine at teenage astronomy buffs; or that's what the rather 'high school principal' style seems to imply. When, for example, ten pages are devoted to 'refuting' a piece of American whimsy - that you can only balance an egg on its end on the vernal equinox - you get the distinct feeling that this guy has shall we say a slight lack of perspective.

Of course there is really pernicious (a favourite word of the author) stuff out there (racial pseudoscience, hiring and firing staff on the basis of astrological charts, or some of the more invasive forms of alternative medicine for example), but much of what is gone into here, while mildly annoying to the professional no doubt, is not going to bring about the fall of civilisation as we know it.

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