A Treat of Tricks

Nicholas Rogers. Halloween: from Pagan Ritual to Party Night. Oxford University Press, 2003. 

The Geller After-Effect

Uri Geller and Guy Lyon Playfair. The Geller Effect, Jonathan Cape, 1986.

Professional Prickers

P. G. Maxwell-Stuart. Witch Hunters: Professional Prickers, Unwitchers and Witch Finders of the Renaissance. Tempus, 2003. 

Leap too Far

Gordon Cooper with Bruce Henderson. Leap of Faith: an Astronaut's Journey into the Unknown. HarperCollins, 2000. 

Georgia on my Mind

Jim Miles. Weird Georgia: Close Encounters, Strange Creatures, and Unexplained Phenomena. Cumberland House, 2000. 

Bad Astronomy

Philip Plait. Bad Astronomy: misconceptions and misuses revealed, from astrology to the moon landing 'hoax'. John Wiley and Sons, 2002.

Sense on Conspiracies

David Alexander. Conspiracies and Coverups . Berkely Books, 2002. 

A popular introduction to the world of conspiracy theories, with sections on everything from the sexual politics of the JFK and FDR eras, to the wild tales of Roswell. 

All Together Now!

Robert Trundle. UFOs: Politics, God and Science. European Press Academic Publishing, 2000.

Remote From Reality

Tim Rifat. Remote Viewing: what it is, who uses it and how to do it. Vision Paperbacks, 2001.

Hearing Colours

John Harrison. Synaesthesia: the Strangest Thing. Oxford University Press, 2001.

American Monsters

Philip L Rife. America's Loch Ness Monsters. Writers' Club Press, 2000. 
Philip L Rife. Bigfoot Across America. Writers Club Press, 2000.
Philip L Rife. America's Nightmare Monsters. Writers Club Press, 2001 

Sex and Saucers

C L Turnage. Sexual Encounters with Extraterrestrials: a Provocative Examination of Alien Contact. Timeless Voyager Press, 2001. 

The Middle Ground

Eva Pocs. Between the Living and the Dead: a perspective on witches and seers in the early modern age. Central European University Press, 1999.


Old Time Ufology

Brad Steiger. Project Blue Book: The Top Secret Findings Revealed. Ballantine, 1977.


Fair to Middling

Len Ortzen. Strange Stories of UFOs. Arthur Barker. 1977


A Book of Wonders

Bob Rickard and John Michel. Phenomena: a Book of Wonders. Thames & Hudson, 1977.


All About Mysteries.

World of The Unknown Series. All About UFOs; All About Ghosts; All About Monsters . Usborne Books. 1977.


Without a Clue

Charles Berlitz. Without a Trace. Souvenir Press, 1977.


UFO Occupants

Coral and Jim Lorenzen. Encounters with UFO Occupants. Berkley Medallion, 1976.


For Your Coffee Table

Roy Stemman. Visitors from Outer Space. Aldus Books, 1973.

Iberian Investigations

Vincente-Juan Ballester- Olmos. Catalogue of 200 Type-1 UFO Events in Spain and Portugal. Center for UFO Studies, 1974.

Nothing to See Here

Michael Hervey. UFOs, The American Scene. Hale, 1976.

The Past is Human

Peter White. The Past is Human. Angus & Robertson, 1975.

Looking for Life

Carl Sagan. ( ed) Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI). MIT Press, 1976.

Biblical Blunders

Eric von Daniken. Miracles of the Gods. Souvenir Press, 1975.

History Lesson

David Michael Jacobs. The UFO Controversy in America. Indiana University Press, 1975.

Pendulums and Megaliths

T. C. Lethbridge. Legend of The Sons of God. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. 

Sceptics and Skeptics

David Marks and Richard Kamman. The Psychology of the Psychic, with a forward by Martin Gardner. Prometheus Books, 1980. 
Felix E. Planer. Superstition. Cassell, 1980. 

MUFON Proceedings

MUFON.  Proceedings of the MUFON UFO Symposium, San Francisco, July 7-8th, 1979. 

The Etherian invasion

John De Herra. The Etherian Invasion. Hwong Pub. Co., Los Alamitas, CA. 1978. 