Dana Redfield is not only a writer and abductee, but also a "silent contactee" and channeler, some of whose channelled writings are reproduced in this book. These are barely coherent, but show many of the classical features of hypergraphia and automatic writing, including the use of ponderous and pompous phraseology, quite unlike her normal writing style. She also includes a diary of dreams and unusual nocturnal experiences, which are quite clearly hypnogogic and hypnopompic experiences, with the occasional sleep paralysis episode thrown in. The admittedly brief and incomplete account of her life, with six brief marriages etc., seems to hint at some underlying problem in her background, but I doubt if it has anything to do with abduction by aliens. It is much more likely that these experiences are symptoms rather than causes. There are also aspects of her claimed childhood experiences which, with a different set of preconditions and therapists, could have been spun into a child abuse narrative. -- Peter Rogerson, from Magonia Supplement 25, March 2000.
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